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Ceremonial Regalia of Wind's Wakeful Winnow, 07/15/2024
The prairie seer is made of clay, and so are its 2500+ children which it sculpted group by group over the course of about 200 years. That's a lot of birthdays, so its solution was to designate a single week every year to hold a festival in celebration of its offspring. Depicted here is Winnow being dressed in garments created by its two eldest children; I Listen Over The Water and Joy's Gentle Keening. Once Wind's Wakeful Winnow had been dressed, it headed to the stage with the pair in tow, where it would have opened the rites with a song... If it hadn't vanished as soon as it passed through the curtains.
I designed this outfit for Winnow after a roleplay interaction where it was asked just how it found itself in the server's world. The beast's answer was simple enough. It stepped onstage only to be met not by the howls of its thousandfold children, but by the burble of a brook outside the grotto where it was now very, very lost.
Somewhere Else, 02/04/2024
Not to be confused with prairie seers or deep children, this creature is a sona of sorts, and came after them. Some clear identifiers are an infinitely long tail(not present in older art), the lack of a breezeplate(those circular objects worn on the tail, shown in the image above), and the creature's aloof attitude toward gravity(prairie seers and deep children like to remain firmly planted on the ground).
This creature means a lot of things to me in a lot of different contexts. I won't bother to explain because I don't have to. It's mine, and I put it in personal work. Despite its similarities to deep children in particular, it came after them and I see the two as completely separate things in my head. Deep children aren't self-inserts, just want to be clear!
Also I'm quite pleased with the anatomy and lighting in this image.
Graver Portrait, 04/16/2024
My first (and currently only) piece made with Verve Painter that I think is actually worth showing off!
Until this painting I've only occasionally fiddled around with Verve Painter, attempting landscapes or whatever to interesting but lackluster effect. This was my first real attempt to make an actual art piece with it and I'm still blown away with the result. The program's experimental and has some limitations that show themselves immediately (such as only being able to undo your last brushstroke), but the fact it's a drawing program with FLUID SIMULATION makes shading a wonderful new beast. I may write a blog about this in the future.
Anyway, this is just a concept portrait of a Seerkedi racecar driver from my setting, named Graver.
Somewhere, Far Across The Ocean, 11/06/2024
Another personal piece, inspired by meditation, some of my favorite beach images, and in no small part the song Phaedra by Baths.
Lyrics aside, the song sounds rather "windy" and wide open to me. It drives me to imagine standing at the edge of the water, poised and ready, regarding some darkling point in the distance as the wind roars past my static form, waiting for a sign somewhere, far across the ocean.
Finished Waiting, an Angel-, 10/22/2024
If you visit my Blog and give my review of Pseudoregalia a read, you may notice an unhinged ramble partway through the "Music and Art" portion of the review. Here is the fruit of that ramble, one of the most time-consuming images I've ever made (at least it felt that way), and the only piece of fanart I've ever seen for a location in a game, as opposed to a character.
While not my best work, I'm certainly proud of this. It was a major exercise in patience, and I considered dropping it a few times, but I managed to power through and I think I'm stonger for it. I did intend to render the jesters in the background in a single, detailed and consistent artstyle, but the choice to just use whatever method for whoever was the right call. It's my art I'm making for myself and I have final say over my actions. I refused to quit, but that didn't mean I couldn't ease up for my own sake.
Maxine Domino, 02/13/2022
Not the first(or last) image I've made in this style, but absolutely my best so far. This piece had three purposes: to incorporate color contrast into composition, to help me refine this scratchy art style, and finally, to be the first full rendering of Maxine 'Max' Domino.
A little info on her: she is a Khejitsune, one of the twelve soulbearing species from my TTRPG setting. Frontwoman for the punk band 'Dynamo,' she is well-known for having a "Fightpass" at every live performance, given to one able-bodied and willing attendee upon entrance to the venue. This pass allows the attendee to climb on stage and have a brawl with Max during that performance.
She has not yet lost to a Fightpass holder, and has never stopped singing during a fight.
Boys' Night Out 2, 04/01/2023
The follow-up to a daily sketch I am now retroactively titling 'Boys' Night Out,' this piece depicts the natural conclusion of any group of dudes chilling together long enough: total erasure of your physical form in order to enmesh with the cosmic subconscious.
Umbral Forest Background, 02/04/2023
Originally the background for a rotoscoped animation project for uni, I loved it too much and choose to display it as its own piece.
It takes inspiration from the artstyles of Everhood, Fight Knight, and especially the song 'Cursed Cathedral' from Mario's Mystery Meat,(along with the background of the area in which it plays). I am in love with the aesthetic of highly saturated colors overlayed onto a pitch black background. The poem hanging in the Foyer describes my feelings on the matter.
Twilight Forum 3, 04/09/2023
One of my earlier Bryce renders, this is the only scene in which I have taken shots from multiple angles. For a time, I built a space in my head of sorts to visit when I meditate. This is my attempt to recreate it, with mixed results, honestly. I feel there should be more here, like it doesn't catch the proper feeling when I look at it.
The tall trees are my favorite part though, simply black silhouettes framed upon a deepening blue sky. That looks exactly how I wanted it to.
Twilight Forum 4, 04/09/2023
This is my favorite angle of the Twilight Forum, and has the most interesting composition to me, though it hides almost everything else in the scene.
You Came From Somewhere, You Know, 10/25/2022
I've always loved the aesthetic of clowns. Bright colors, abstract shapes, completely different fashion standards. They're quite interesting to look at, honestly. I feel like clowns in art are a bit like spirits, appearing inhuman but familiar, relegated only to select spaces and circumstances.
I wanted a high contrast space here, inspired a bit by renaissance paintings, but also by a certain weirdcore image that fills me with comfort.
See it here
Ga'Kara's Outfits, 01/29/2023
A simple reference image for Ga'Kara Angell, my friend's character in a campaign I was running in my rpg system. While this was partly to show Ga'Kara, this is the first (and at the time of writing, the only) representation of Haukozan attire.
Despite coming from a frozen world, they are very well adapted to living in the cold. As such, Haukozan clothes tend to be lighter and more breathable than one would expect, especially when living on a warmer planet, such as the one Ga'Kara finds herself on.
Royal Procession, 09/01/2022
A Khejitsune royal procession, dressed in their formal attire. The royal guard are believed(rightly) to bear skill and fortitude which surpasses the need for technology. As such they use only ancient weaponry and armor to show this to all, and the history ingrained in these relics strengthens them.
While serving as a good example of Turran royal attire, these people most visibly wield a logic, the most powerful form of magic in my setting. The tools you use, the armor you wear, they only go so far. It is the ideas you wrap yourself in which are your greatest strength.
Turran royalty, and the dominant Turran culture as a whole, believe in history as reinforcing the future. The spirit of all previous hammerstrikes strengthen the one you swing yourself. The spirit of all previous decrees enforce the one made in the present. Most Turrans wear a "chronicle," a garment on which they write their entire life's story, as they live it.
Searching The Ruins, 06/04/2022
I've always loved how useful charcoal is for rendering flowy clothing. This piece was a bit of an excuse to do just that, drawn while I was at home during summer break, unlike most of my charcoal pieces, which were drawn for classes.
Loomomu Villagers, 06/19/2023
What's notable about Sphirin, the planet on which the Loomomu live, is that the wilds are haunted. All of them. Everywhere. Any stretch of untouched land can become home to spirits, creatures, and other things which live through logics alien to the Soulbearers.
As such, any individuals living in the city outskirts or smaller settlements are threatened by these forces. A way to somewhat assure your safety is to wear enchanted clothing, bearing charms and wards strong enough to keep the bad things away. Or at least, the weaker ones.
Enchantments in this setting are not worked through magic directly. To intentionally enchant an item one must infuse it with their soul through expression by making it into a piece of art. To unintentionally enchant an item, it will simply gain power through enough usage and care, or from experiencing incredibly unique circumstances.
Mineral Gallery, 08/11/2023
Created while at the beach, this render was inspired by the mineral gallery at the science museum in my home town. The museum's long since been updated, but I still remember how it was when I was a child. It was a strangely dark place with a feeling of mystery, and many small exhibits I think about every now and then, the vibrating sand table being a big one.
The mineral gallery stood out to me though. I had already visited the museum for years before it was added. A completely different feeling from the rest of the museum, even darker, with red curtains(which I may be misremembering), a dark green carpeted floor and gray fabric covering the walls. The brightest points in the room were the display cases, filled with strange stones, metals and gems on black pedestals. I remember there being interactive tv screens with information on each stone that you could navigate to through a grungy, 90's sci-fi looking user interface. I still think about that gallery.
The Masked Dog, 10/09/2022
The ancestor(god) of chaos in my setting, the Masked Dog is unlike any of the other ancestors, particularly in form. It is believed by some that it was not born alongside the other ancestors, but is instead an extant deity from elsewhere who took the place of one.
Shifting constantly in color, texture, shape and sound, its presence is cacophanous to all senses, and those who witness it are incapacitated by seizures, and left without any form of perception for weeks... If it allows them to be.
The Masked Dog is not disorder, unrest, or complete dissolution of logic and meaning. It is the potential for anything to occur within a single, moving, point in space. Any action or occurence, and the effect thereof.
It feeds on them, leaving all things devoid of agency and change.
Self-Portrait, 05/08/2023
The final assignment for my figure drawing class was to create a self-portrait. A conclusion you might have noticed on this site is that I don't find the face to be a particularly important feature of myself. I don't find being human to be a particularly important feature of myself. I actually find names to be dangerously important, which is why I am 142. So I can be my own.
While partially an excuse for more flowy fabric, I wanted to capture a feeling of me, not the me I am physically, or that I know, or that I even believe myself to currently be. If I were the most basal, purest me as I could be, idealized and inescapably flawed simultaneously. I believe, at the time of drawing this, that this would be me.
On The Toilet, 03/27/2023
This piece, at the time of drawing it at least, is my answer to the question: "how hard can I go?"
Based on an image of what I believe to be an entirely carpeted bathroom and featuring Benneth, my fursona at the time, the goal of this picture was to render as much detail as I could (while still getting my homework completed). I am not satisfied with the techniques I used for Benneth, but I am quite pleased with the bathroom.
Triptych in Longing, 05/10/2023
One of my more unique pieces for a few reasons. It is extremely personal to myself, it features multiple images combined into one, it's the first digital diorama I have ever made, and it is only one of a few pictures that came from a successful strike of sudden inspiration.
Driven by the first warm winds of spring I had a thought of my creature standing in a field, staring into the open distance. That thought eventually grew into this, depicting both my feelings and some events I was experiencing at the time. The lingering obsession with this scene also led me to make a certain secret page you may have found. The house should look familiar.